47. Breck Designed His Own Home, And Now He’s Building It

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:
Overview of the Cochrane Home.
Why Breck isn't building with containers.
Challenges faced with the Detroit Land Bank.
Finding the right bank.
Why building the houm proof of concept is so important.

“I really, truly believe in what I am trying to do right now. Until you build it (houm) people will never understand what I’ve worked on the last 7-8 years.”
-Breck Crandell (Director of Design)
Show Notes:
0:30 - Introduction to Episode 47 & Cochrane Home.
3:19 - Is Breck building a container home?
7:39 - Why being an architect didn’t give Breck the advantage he thought he’d have.
8:15 - Challenges of the Detroit Land Bank Authority.
10:59 - When to introduce yourself to neighbors as a developer.
13:15 - However long you think your timeline is, double it.
15:40 - The permit process through an architect’s pov.
20:00 - Why getting a building permit isn't the end of the story.
21:30 - Getting approval on loans & specialized contracts.
23:07 - Challenge of getting a construction loan and the right of lien.
29:30 - Persisting in order to change the industry.
33:40 - Building proof of concept is important.
35:27 - Finding the right people to support your project.
38:30 - Concluding thoughts for Episode 47.
To learn more about houm, and Breck's building & design process head over the houm page here.
Make sure to also follow houm on Instagram to stay up to date with all houm related updates.
Supplemental Episodes mentioned:
Episode 35 - Our Newest Design Innovation: Launching houm By Three Squared, Inc.Episode
28 - Part 1: Breck Building His Own houm.
Ready to move forward with your project, or have questions about building with shipping containers? Contact us here and we will put you in contact with the right member of our team.
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