36. Approaching the Housing Crisis From a Socio-political Angle With David Palmer

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:
Introduction to David Palmer and his work and research.
The real estate situation in Detroit.
How African Americans and BIPOC people are affected by flawed mortgages.
Creating attainable housing through alternative construction.
Challenges of the Detroit Land Bank.
Breck's project highlight of the week: Gusbox.

“The mortgage market is functionally broken in the largest African American city in the United States.”
-David Palmer (MPA, Associate Broker, Realtor)
0:30 - Introduction to Episode 36 with special guest David Palmer.
1:18 - Breck’s Project Highlight of the Week: Gusbox.
3:17 - How Breck and David know each other.
4:38 - David introduces himself and the important work he does.
9:26 - Why Detroit is such a unique situation when it comes to real estate.
11:04 - Insight to the research David did in 2021 on first time home buyers.
15:00 - How the mortgage market in Detroit disadvantages African Americans.
17:56 - How do we create solutions for people to afford homes?
20:40 - The challenges and flaws of the Detroit Land Bank.
22:40 - Alternative building for attainable housing.
26:10 - Challenge of finding skilled labor.
25:13 - How alternative construction can offset building costs.
27:20 - Embracing innovation.
33:56 - Bringing opportunities to BIPOC developers.
35:00 - Concluding thoughts for Episode 36.
If you’re curious about innovative development or have a project in mind, contact us so we can put you in touch with the right member of our team.
To learn more about David’s work and his research make sure to head over to his website, and Twitter.
Research discussed in Episode:
Detroit Dreams Deferred: Thousands Mortgage Ready but Many Miss Out