32. Alternative Construction For Veteran's Housing With Deshawn Wilson

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn in this epsiode:
What is The National Network For Veterans.
How affordable housing becomes affordable for former service members.
Why cargo architecture may be familiar for former deployed veterans.
The duty there is to provide a place to call home.
Why veteran housing can provide funding some developers need.
Breck's project highlight of the week: Concord Square at Island View.

“Veterans really don’t need a lot of space, they just want a place to call their home.”
- Deshawn Wilson (Development Associate)
Show Notes:
0:30 - Introduction to Episode 32.
2:05 - Breck’s project highlight of the week: Concord Square at Island View!
6:55 - Introducing Deshawn Wilson and The National Network for Veterans (NNOV).
11:13 - How affordable housing becomes affordable.
15:03 - Why container construction can resonate with former active duty service members.
19:50 - How developers can collaborate with the NNOV to build affordable housing for veterans.
22:00 - Working with non-veterans on veteran housing projects.
25:57 - How veteran’s housing can provide the funding that some developers might need.
28:00 - Why it’s vital to provide veterans with a place to call home.
33:35 - Why Three Squared is eager to take on more veteran’s housing projects.
35:20 - Concluding thoughts for Episode. 32.
If you’re a developer that already has land and are interested in collaborating on an alternative veteran’s housing project, contact us here.