05. Behind the Scenes: How & Why We Structure Our Process for 100% Project Approval

In this episode, you’ll learn what makes Three Squared different, who it’s for, and what allows our process to provide extraordinary results for our clients. We’ll even give you an overview of Three Squared's Three-Step Process that takes projects from design to completion, and address common blocks people have so you can take informed, empowered, and confident action towards the pursuit of your goals. Here's a glimpse at what you'll learn from us in this episode:
How we can kickstart your path toward a successful project.
Three Squared's Three-Step Process: Design it, Draw it, Build it.
The top mistakes you might be making in your early design planning.
Our tips for creating your "capital stack" & recognizing pre-development funds.
Why it is CRUCIAL to have a team that communicates well.
Breck's Project Highlight of The Week: MOJO Detroit!
For behind the scenes footage, project updates & more, follow @threesquaredinc on Instagram.

“I have said it before and I will say it again, it takes three to tango: you need the owner, the architect, and the builder. They are the ones who actually make the project happen.”
-Breck Crandell (Director of Design, TSI)
Show Notes:
0:05 - Introduction of Episode 5.
0:46 - Breck's highlight of the week: Mojo Detroit!
6:14 - Three Squared's Three-Step Process: Design it, Draw it, Build it.
7:34 - How we can kickstart your path toward creating a project.
9:26 - Step One: Design It.
9:43 - Where the design process begins and how it evolves.
10:05 - Start with meeting the clients and getting to know each other.
11:00 - Getting to know the land during site visits.
11:22 - Learning what the client's needs are, and what is the ultimate goal of the project.
13:12 - The final stages of design, and creating the roadmap for the rest of the project.
14:56 - Step Two: Draw It.
16:12 - Creating your "capital stack" and recognizing pre-development funds.
19:22 - Involvement shifts from the client to the architects and engineers.
19:39 - Documentation of the project.
22:05 - Step Three: Build It.
22:19 - Where things get very exciting and all the details come together.
22:41 - How we modify containers into a building.
25:05 - The importance of having a team that communicates well.
26:32 - How the client's involvement shifts throughout the duration of the project.
27:48 - Concluding thoughts for Episode 5.